Country Style is proud to belong to these organisations and our colleagues are pleased to participate in and contribute to each of them.
Craft Bakers Association The CBA provides craft and artisan bakers with support, training and networking opportunities throughout the UK.
Campden BRI Campden BRI offers scientific, technical, regulatory and information support for the food and drink industry.
Institute for Family Business The IFB is the UK’s family business organisation, supporting and promoting the UK family-owned business sector through events, networking, representation, thought leadership and research.
The Institute of Grocery Distribution The IGD is a research and training charity that helps the food and grocery industry deliver the needs of the public.
Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil The RSPO has more than 1,700 members worldwide who represent all links along the palm oil supply chain. All are committed to produce, source and/or use only sustainable palm oil certified by the RSPO.
Stronger Together Business Partners Stronger Together provides guidance, resources and a network for employers, labour providers, workers and their representatives to work together to reduce exploitation.
SEDEX Sedex is a not for profit organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible and ethical practices in global supply chains.
Soil Association The Soil Association's activities include campaign work on issues such as opposition to intensive farming, support for local purchasing and public education on nutrition; as well the certification of organic food. It developed the world's first organic certification system in 1967. Today it certifies over 80% of organic produce in the UK.