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Loaves and Bloomersproduct index          
Our selection of loaves and bloomers include organic bloomers and our wonderful tiger loaf.

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White Bloomer
A soft pillowy loaf, great cut into 'doorstops' for a hasty treat at home. Available in 800g and 400g. Also available as an organic loaf.

White Parisienne
With a little imagination this can be a very versatile baton. Slice diagonally for homemade garlic bread; halve and fill with your favourite sandwich filling or pizza toppings. Also a handy size to keep fresh for a small household.

Organic Bloomers
Made from premium organic flour and given the Soil Association organic accreditation. Stone baked and hand cut, the bloomer has a hearty crust and open crumb structure with a well-rounded and wheaty flavour. This great table bread carries an edible organic authentication seal. Please see our Organics range to read more.

Tiger loaf
Tiger rolls and tiger bread are both visually striking and excellent to eat due to their crunchy bite and deliciously flavoured crust. They are made with sesame oil and a pattern is baked into the top by painting rice paste onto the surface prior to baking. The paste dries andcracks during baking, creating a two-colour effect similar to a tiger's markings, hence the name. The rice paste crust also gives the bread a distinctive flavour.


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