Country Style
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Country Style Organicsproduct index          
Country Style's range of organic breads are a healthy choice which is flavourful and well-balanced.

We've worked hard at searching for truly certified ingredient suppliers who employ organic methods of farming. These methods avoid synthetic chemicals, promote soil health and support an overall balance of nature with sound environmental practices.

Our range of organic breads have been developed for flavour and to suit the certified organic methods of farming. Organic production methods help to maintain the genetic pool for future generations and protect our mother earth.

The Soil Association certify that Country Style Foods has satisfied the requirements of standards for organic farming and production and Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.

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Organic White Tin Loaf
A staple family loaf with a lovely soft crumb and wholesome wheaty flavour. Made to exacting soil association standards. Available in 800g and 400g.

Organic Wholemeal Tin Loaf
A practical family choice offering a healthy complement to our range and made to exacting soil association standards. Available in 800g and 400g.

Organic White Bloomer
Stone baked and hand cut , the bloomer has a hearty crust and open crumb structure with a well-rounded wheaty flavour. Carries the Soil Association Accreditation Seal. 400g.

Organic Wholemeal Bloomer
Made from premium organic flour and given the Soil Association organic accreditation. A flavoursome bread which offers a healthy complement to our range. 400g.

Organic Mini Rolls
White & brown stone baked mini organic rolls carrying the Soil Association organic rice paper accreditation.


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