Country Style
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Doughnutsproduct index          
At Country Style we are real experts at making doughnuts. We produce them in a wide range of styles, sizes and fillings. Our ball, ring and finger doughnuts are made from deliciously soft yeast-raised dough with a beautifully oil-free finish. Our mini-ring donuts and donut bites are made from a cake batter and are slightly sweeter with a fine crumb.

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Mini ring chocolate coated doughnuts
These yummy mini ring doughnuts come packed in a handy clear tub. Really popular for children's or grown-up parties and a great idea to pack in a picnic.

Glazed Ring Doughnut
A great american tradition; perfect for a mid-morning snack with coffee.

Filled Ball Doughnuts
Available in a range of sizes from 45g to 120g. Jumbo doughnuts are available containing various fillings including; Jam, Apple, Lemon, Crème Patisserie & Chocolate. They come sugared, ready to serve - also unsugared for heating and sugaring at point of sale.

Double Chocolate Doughnut
Our usual soft squidgy dough but this time chocolate flavoured with a generous smooth milk chocolate filling.

Double Filled Doughnuts
Every one is double filled with two separate injections of filling. The combinations possible are endless. The double filled jam and real dairy cream doughnut is a favourite of everyone who's tried it.

Ring Doughnuts
Supplied sugared and ready to serve or unsugared for decoration at point of sale.

Finger Doughnuts
Supplied unsugared for decoration, filling or finishing at point of sale.

Iced Doughnuts
Our speciality doughnuts are iced and decorated in several varieties.

Mini Ring Doughnuts
Our mini ring donuts come sugared or unsugared. They thaw quickly at ambient or in a few seconds in a microwave. They are so versatile; ways of serving are limited only by your imagination - ideal with dips.

Donut Bites
Donut Bites are a fantastic new product innovation: mini donuts filled with jam and packed for "grab and go" in a handy take-away tub.


Frozen Retail Packs

10 Extra Jammy Doughnuts
Traditional American style Doughnuts with lashings of jam. A quick and easy handheld snack for everyone.

8 Real Dairy Cream Doughnuts
Each light fluffy doughnut is double filled with fruity jam and real dairy cream. This product is sold in over 10,000 stores throughout Europe.

Mini Donuts
A pack containing 12 mini ring donuts and a chocolate flavour dip. Can be heated in a microwave from frozen.

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