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Bagelsproduct index          

In many ways our bagels emulate the traditional European product now sold in New York deli's and in the east end of London.

They are made with all natural ingredients. They have no added fat and are low in cholesterol.

Making bagels can not be hurried. Correct processing at every stage is essential. After mixing and moulding, the first critical stage involves allowing the bagels to ferment in a cool place for at least 8 hours. Then, after a short final proof, the bagels are made ready for baking by flooding them in a deluge of steam for 2 minutes. This completely gelatinises the crust and conditions the crumb giving the baked bagels their unique appearance and chewy texture.

As well as the plain bagel there are the following varieties: sesame, multigrain, poppyseed, onion and garlic, cinnamon and raisin, and sundried tomato flavour.

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Plain bagel
We have developed a long fermentation time in our test bakery which adds flavour and authenticity to these bagels. Always extremely versatile, the plain bagel is equally good with sweet or savoury fillings.

Multigrain Bagel
These bagels were developed in our test bakery with oat flakes and poppy seeds contributing to the wholesome taste. These are a healthy choice with wholegrain and malted flour.

Sesame Bagel
A lovely breakfast bagel with a nutty flavour. Also very good for filling.

Cinnamon and Raisin Bagel
This option is slightly sweeter and so is delicious filled with fresh fruit like strawberries and cream.

Onion and Garlic Bagel
We developed this bagel with garlic to enhance the taste of crispy fried onions. It is a very enjoyable savoury bagel, ideal for filling.


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